Saturday, July 28, 2012

Daisy 2 Months

You probably remember little Miss Daisy who broke out of the hospital last week.  This past week, I went to her home to take her 2 month pictures.  Even though Daisy is 2 months old, I approached this session as a newborn session.  Daisy is still very much curled up and cuddly.  She also seems to sleep a lot still (I have one picture with her eyes open).  And lastly, sweet babe is still under 6 pounds. 
I did more experimenting in Photoshop with these pictures.  I found more and more wanting to take the picture from Lightroom (after doing basic fixes) into Photoshop to really polish things up.  I might need to upgrade our Photoshop if I continue doing this.  I'm running Photoshop CS.  That's right, the original Photoshop CS, not CS 8 or 9 (which I believe is the latest version).  I'm like total old-school over here.  Anyway, here is a little sneak peak of Daisy's second session with me.  She completely rocked it!

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